
In Need of Debt Relief? The Warning Signs

Has your debt gotten out-of-control? When debt builds up it’s not only stressful, but it keeps you from living the lifestyle that you want! A problem with debt is not hard to identify. It can be obvious, but the general rule is that when your monthly debt payments (not including your mortgage or rent) exceed 20% of your income, you may be on the verge of a debt problem that requires necessary action.


Here are the warning signs that you may be in need of some debt relief:

–          You’re always using credit to pay for things

–          Paying the minimum monthly payment on credit cards

–          Requesting credit increases or going to other institutions to receive additional                         credit cards

–          Borrowing from family or friends each month just to make ends meet

–          Unable to save and have no savings

–          While trying to pay off your credit card you continue to make purchases with it

–          You’re overspending

–          Your credit cards are near, at, or over the limit

–          You’re late on paying the bills and expenses

–          You don’t really know what your total debt adds up to

–          You’ve been denied credit

–          You’re receiving collection calls and bank notices

The Solution – Manny Johar of Expert Mortgage

If any of the above warning signs apply to your situation, Manny Johar of Expert Mortgage can help! While there is no one right solution to a debt problem, there are a number of things that can be done to try and address the problem and help alleviate the situation. For example, consolidating your debt with a second mortgage can help, and may be something to consider. Guaranteed low interest rates make second mortgages attractive. By combining two or more debts into one, this should result in a single debt payment with lower total interest costs, making your debt more manageable. With access to hundreds of private lenders, Manny Johar can find you guaranteed low interests rates to get you fast and secure financing – no questions asked! There are many options available, and with expert knowledge and advice, Manny Johar can find you the solution to all your needs! Have questions? Contact him today at 1 888-247-4583.

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